Những câu nói Phineas Flynn

  • * "Hey Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!"
  • * "Either we need more days of summer, or more of us."
  • * "Greetings, movers and shakers!"
  • * "So, Ferb, what should we do tomorrow? There's a world of possibilities. Maybe we should make a list!"
  • * "Well, that's serendipitous."
  • * "What do I look like, a fool?" (Khi mặc bộ đồ thằng hề)
  • * "Have we learned nothing from Mary Shelly's Frankenstein?"
  • * "Nah. I like to keep moving forward."
  • * "Come on, Ferb. If we let a little heat stop us from having the best day ever, then the morning DJs win."
  • * "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages; may I present to you a spectacle most of the morning in the making! The coolest... coaster... EVER!"
  • * "Look! They've started their own overpriced coffee franchise! That's so '90s."
  • * "Follow up single? Who do you think we are? Some two-bit hack who will keep writing new songs just because you'll pay us obscene amounts of cash!? Phineas and the Ferb-Tones are strictly a one-hit wonder! Good day to you, sir!"
  • * (Trong trí tưởng tượng của Candace) "Good thinking, Ferb. We'll put these decoys up so Candace thinks we're doing nothing. And then while Candace isn't looking, we'll do something!"
  • * "Oh my gosh, Ferb. I can't believe it! I've never noticed how soft our carpets are."
  • * "We rotate out with the board of selectmen."
  • * "What do you say Ferb, it'll give you a chance to work on your seaweed rap, ya know (hát Rap).
  • * Clive Addison! We're your biggest fans!
  • * "Hey, where's Perry?"
  • * "Oh, there you are, Perry!"

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